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Sourdough Burger Buns

Introducing our tantalizing sourdough burger buns crafted using the innovative Yudane technique. These burger buns redefine what it means to elevate your burger game, offering a perfect blend of softness, chewiness, and a subtle tanginess characteristic of sourdough. Each bite of these sourdough burger buns is a symphony of textures, with a pillowy soft interior encased in a golden-brown crust that boasts just the right amount of chew. The mild tanginess from the sourdough starter adds depth to the flavor profile, making these buns the perfect canvas for your favorite burger creations.

The Yudane technique (originating from Japan) is a method used in bread baking to enhance the moisture retention and  softness of the bread's crumb (the interior) while also extending the bread's shelf life. It involves creating a pre-gelatinized dough or paste by mixing hot water and a portion of the flour from the recipe.

Whether you're grilling plant-based patties, sizzling up veggies, or indulging in classic cheeseburgers, these buns elevate every bite, turning your burger experience into a culinary delight.



(You can also use sweet stiff sourdough starter. Just lower the hydration to 45%-50% and add 5g sugar )

  • 20g active sourdough starter

  • 35g bread flour

  • 5g whole grain flour

  • 40g water


  • 60 g bread flour(15%)

  • 60 g hot boiling water 

Main Dough:

  • 340 g strong bread flour (85%)

  • 80g levain (20%)

  • 6g  sea salt 

  • 40 g butter (10%)

  • 2 tbs honey (20g)

  • 180 g Milk (45%)

  • 1 whole egg

  • Sesame seeds for topping (optional)

Step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Prepare Levain--

Mix the ingredients for the levain 4-5 hours before making the main dough. Cover the mixture and let it rise in a warm spot until it doubles or triples in size and becomes bubbly. This can be done in the morning around 7 am.

Step 2: Make Yudane--

Mix flour and hot boiling water. Stir it all until its mixed well until it forms a thick, cohesive paste. .Cover it and let it sit at room temperature.

Step 3: Mix ingredients--

In a large bowl mix in all the above ingredients including the yudane mixture except the butter. Once the dough comes together add in the butter slowly until it becomes smooth and all the butter is incorporated. The dough should become elastic and should pass the window pane test.

Step 4: Bulk fermentation--

Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover it and let it rise at room temperature for 4-5 hrs for bulk fermentation. During the bulk fermentation, perform coil folds every 45 mins for the first two hours and then let it rise for the remaining time. If you have any confusions regarding bulk fermentation, please the visit the 'Bulk Fermentation-- Step by Step' post under the 'Sourdough Basics' page.

Step 5: Overnight  Proofing--

Punch down the dough and shape it into a ball. Then keep it in the fridge overnight for cold proof.

Step 6: Shaping--

Next day morning take the dough out and divide it into 8 equal portions. Let it rest for 10-15 mins.Then shape them into tight ball and flatten slightly into a bun shape.

Step 7: Final Rise-- 

Place the shaped buns on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover them and let it rise for 3-4 hrs or until they have doubled in size.

Step 8: Baking--

Preheat the oven to 375 F. Egg wash the buns and sprinkle with sesame seeds on the top (the sesame seeds are optional). Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake them for 20-25 mins until golden brown.

Allow them to cool down on a wire rack. Enjoy your homemade sourdough burger buns!

Recipe Notes:

  • Keep your starter active and at room temperature for the best results.

  • The longer you let the dough rise, the more pronounced the sourdough flavor will be.

  • If you don't have a sourdough starter, you can create one from scratch. Simply visit the 'How to Make a Sourdough Starter' post under the

  • Freezing: If you make extra buns, they can be frozen for later use. Just make sure they're completely cooled, wrap them tightly, and freeze. Thaw and reheat as needed.

  • Experiment with toppings and fillings to customize your sourdough burger buns to your liking.

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